This last week I had planned to make Crab Puffs from a couple of recipes that I found online. I'd been jonesing for them lately but didn't want to go to a restaurant and order them when I could just make them at home! Right? Wrong. It was a big fat flop! However, this weekend was my birthday and as such I have a positive experience to share.
My wonderful parents took me out to lunch for my birthday! I chose a dinerant (that's what they call themselves - diner + restaurant) called
The Original. (I love diners and diner food - perhaps a little too much. They are so comforting and I love the vintage aesthetic.)* We'd never been before and it was quite lovely. The place is an upscale diner in a mod 50's/60's feel. The whole place was quite chic.
The Original - Portland, OR
It's kind of blurry, but I was trying to snap while walking to the table. I love the wall detail! |
Brunch Menu - Soo many yummy choices! |
I decided to try something new and ordered the Elvis Sighting. Which was french toast with bacon, banana mousse & peanut butter sauce (I'm a sucker for Peanut butter!). It was sooo delicious! I took out the bacon and had that on the side because I don't like to mix the two.
I don't dip my bacon in my syrup either.
French toast AND Peanut butter sauce! |
My mom ordered biscuits & gravy and my dad and sister both ordered the steak & eggs. All of the food looked so scrumptious. I tasted the hash browns and the steak from my sister and I gotta say, it was almost as good as mine.
I also requested that we try something else new to us all - Poutine. I'd heard of it and all it's glory, but I'd never partaken. That has changed and I am so glad! (I know it's a weird appetizer for brunch, but we're a weird family! ^_^.)
Fries with gravy and cheese curds. SDG (So Darn Good) |
My parents presented me with my other gift......
Julie & Julia. I enjoy this movie immensely and was so happy to get it! After brunch we did some thrift store shopping and headed home! It was a fantastic birthday! I look forward to growing another year wiser (hee hee) and to achieving the goals that I set to accomplish before my next birthday!
**I apparently love parenthesis as well....(who knew?)
My little sister and I |